Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Senior Prom

This first time I ever thought about Prom was when I was in around 12 and saw my neighbor taking pictures for her prom. Since then I have been looking forward to my chance to go to Prom. The time has gone so fast and now I can't believe that Prom is over! Here are the pictures from this weekend. 

Prom was this past weekend! I was a little unsure whether I would have fun or not, mainly because I don't love to dance. Though, I do always enjoy dressing up, taking pictures and going out to dinner. I was really happy that I had a ton of fun. I loved hanging out with my friends and it was so nice to see everyone all dressed up. There was one disappointment for the night, that is that almost none of my pictures turned out. My parents forgot to check that the camera was on auto focus, so I only have around 10 photos. As such as I wish I had more, I am so thankful that this was the only disappointing for the entire evening. Overall, prom was a smashing success. 


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