Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday Three

This was a pretty good week, other than it being the start of AP testing. I decided where I was going for college, see the post here, and I got to do a bunch of other things that I don't normally do. Here is what I was up to this week:
I got to go to Door County this weekend for the first time in a while. It was so nice to be able to get away from all the craziness at home. I was pretty windy outside, so I wasn't near the water too much so that was a little disappointing. Other than that, it was a great way to spend my weekend!

My best friend goes to a different high school than I do so I am not always able to see her, but last week I went to her soccer game! It was a ton of fun seeing her play, talking with her parents, and then going out for dinner with her afterwards. Seeing her always makes for a good week.

AP tests are always stressful for me, so after the literature test I went out for lunch at my favorite coffee shop as a reward. I had a panini, but I ate it way too fast to take a picture. I am starting to love going out to eat by myself. It is surprisingly relaxing, but always enjoyable. 

How was your week?

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