Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday Three

I was finally able to start working again this week, and it was nice to know I am making some money. Of course, my first day was the busiest one yet this year at the beach. I have also been able to read some great books this week, so keep an eye out for a post on that. Here was my week:

The Farmer's Market started last weekend so obviously it was the best part of the week. I want to try a different food each time I go, so this week I had an amazing raspberry hand pie. All week I have been only eating the fruit we bought: strawberries, blueberries and peaches. 

I made cold brew this week since the weather has finally warmed up enough. I love cold brew because it is such an easy to way make a coffee shop drink without spending anything. It is so easy to make and tastes really good. Make sure to check back later on for the recipe! 

My mom and I went for an overnight to Door County in the middle of the week and it was the perfect trip. All of the tourists were gone so it was really nice. The best part was finally trying Analog Coffee. They make affogato like drinks, except you pick out the ice cream you want and then espresso is added. I already want to go back. 

I hope you had a great week!

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