School is a little more then one week away, which is bittersweet for me. I have always loved school, but this summer was so busy that it feels like it just got started. Other than that reason, I am totally ready for football games, fall clothes and seeing my friends everyday.

Being organized is really important to me so for school I try to have a system that will work the whole year without needing to many changes. For every class I have a binder, folder and notebook all in the same color. This way I eventually associate the color with the class and don't have to worry about taking the wrong one. This year I am using binders that are plastic and flexible without the cardboard on the cover. This will allow me to carry more binders in my back pack at one time. The folders were a pain to try to find the ones I wanted, which were plastic so they wouldn't tear half way through the school. I went to three places and non of them had the types of folders I wanted. I finally got my folders at the 5th place I went to. For my agenda I am using this one from Lilly Pulitzer that I got back when I was in Florida. For the agenda I am using colored pens so that I can easily tell what is homework and what is a test. They also just make it bright and colorful on the inside. I also using these colored pens, highlighters and sticky tabs for taking notes so I can tell everything apart. That is my main organization for the school year. Other than that I didn't really get an school supplies because I have a lot left over from other years.
This is the backpack that I am using. It's from Jansport, which is really nice because Jansport has a lifetime warranty. I like having a black backpack because then it matches all of my outfits which isn't a big deal, but it is nice to have.
Now for finally what you're really looking for... my back to school haul. I worked all summer to make sure I can keep my wardrobe up to date and the hardest thing was to not spend all my money at one time. Waiting was definitely worth it though, because last week almost all of my favorite brands had some sort of a sale. Here is what I got in order from the top to bottom, left to right.
The navy shorts are from J. Crew and you can get them here. J. Crew was having a sale so I was able to get these for almost 50% off. I got two pairs of shorts from Lilly Pulitzer during the after party sale, but one pair isn't pictured because when I got it in the mail, the package was torn and the shorts had a oil stain on them. We called Lilly Pulitzer and they were super nice. They had us return the shorts and were going to see if they could send me a new pair in the same style and size. I got the button down shirt from Ralph Lauren Polo outlet where I live. It is my first button down shirt and I am so excited to wear it . I got the shoes from Sperry, which were also on sale at a yacht club in Door County. The pair of running shorts is this pair from Krass & Co. These were also gotten for 50% off. I got the Camelbak water bottle from Amazon and put a bunch of stickers on it. (See how to get stickers from this post) This t-shirt is from Vineyard Vines, and was bought during the sale. I am still debating on getting some sort of statement necklace, but I am not sure if I want to spend any more money.
This is the oil (I think) stain which was really disappointing to see but it was really appreciated on how nice the people at Lilly Pulitzer were about it.
Are you ready for school?