
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hidden Veggie Immunity Smoothie

At school I work with performance nutrition for our sports teams, and the main point of my job is to make smoothies. Obviously I have not been working since I am back home and all college athletics have been cancelled. My bosses have been letting work on little projects if we want to stay involved. Recently I worked on making social media posts on the topics of hydration and immunity. I loved making the immunity post because it was informing on what foods are great for the immune system, and then I made a recipe to go along with it. 

This Immunity smoothie truly does have most of the recommended vitamins, mineral and protein to help support a healthy immune system. The strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C. Carrots provide beta carotene which will be covered into Vitamin A. The banana provides probiotics that help keeps a healthy gut, which has a surprisingly large impact on the immune system. Protein can come from the milk and protein powder. Finally the almond butter is a good source of  Vitamin E and Zinc. All of these nutrients can help your immune system. 

It is important to make sure you always get your nutrition information from accurate sources, not just any old website (mine included). Eat Right is the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics website, and it has a lot of great nutrition information on almost every topic. At the end of this post I will link two great articles about eating for immunity if you are interested. Here are some key take aways:

Hidden Veggie Immunity Smoothie
Serves: 1 large or 2 medium smoothies


1 cup milk (dairy free if need be) 
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 chopped carrot
1/2 banana
2 T almond butter
pinch of cinnamon


Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.


Here are the links to extra reading on eating for immunity.

Let me know your thoughts on the smoothie,


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