
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day in the Life: Social Distancing Edition

Life has gotten into a pretty decent routine recently. I knew right away that finding a good schedule for me was key to making sure I actually got in all of the school work I needed to do. Being home makes it so easy to not do anything, especially when some of my family seems to have so much more free time than I do. I have the same schedule for every day. This lets me have time to workout, to cook, do homework and then blog or read a little. Having a schedule lets me feel like life is a little more normal and under control. Here is what my day looks like:

Every morning the first thing I do is workout. What I do varies by the day, but the vast majority of the time I go for a run since I am training for a half marathon that is in May. I don't know if the half marathon will actually happen, but as of right now I am just going to keep training. On the morning I don't run, I typically stretch or I will do PT exercises.

Eight is around when I have breakfast made. Typically I end up eating breakfast with my mom since we have the same morning schedules. I have breakfast, about two cups of coffee and then go upstairs to get dressed for the day. I try to dress decently (ie wear jeans) to feel like I am working. It doesn't take me long to get ready, so this part maybe takes 10-15 minutes.

Breakfast was a psyllium husk and coconut flour pancake. It was based off of a recipe that I found on Instagram. I topped the pancake with defrosted cherries, almond butter, flax seeds and maple syrup. Of course, I also a couple cups of coffee with breakfast as well.

I always make sure start doing homework by 9am. I know myself well enough that I could waste my entire morning reading magazines or blogs instead of actually getting work done. Morning are when I tend to work on reading for classes. This is my least favorite type of homework so I just try to get it out of the way. 

I have mentioned this already on this blog, I like to take advantage of being home to make myself a nice lunch. This is probably my favorite time of day. It is so nice not to be eating the same tuna salad everyday as well as not eating and doing homework at the same time. 

For lunch I reheated leftover sweet potato fries, and topped it with black beans, avocado, sprouts and a sunny side up egg. I also had pineapple on the side as I was making lunch. 

After lunch, I will go back to doing homework. A couple days a week I have live classes to listen too, if not, I will use this time to watch recorded lectures. Again, nothing exciting but sadly I still have lots of school work to manage. 

I like to take another study break around 4pm to take a walk outside. I tend to go with my parents, but I also really like listening to podcasts during this time. I really miss walking around campus. It was always a nice break from sitting in class, and fresh air was always welcome. This is around the nicest time of day weather-wise, so it gives me a chance to enjoy the start of spring. The walk can last anywhere from one to three miles.

After going for a walk, I normally feel a little more motivated so I go back to studying homework for a little bit. I will use this time to study for upcoming exams or to take care of some readings. This is also the time where I might have a little snack if I am getting hungry. Recently I have been loving nuts and frozen mango, but this day I had a Blueberry Cashew Perfect Bar (my favorite kind). 

Before dinner to like to do my second workout of the day. I typically will either lift weights and do an arm workout, or I will do PT if it didn't do it earlier. I am still doing strengthening exercises to help my hips. Having surgery was enough to motivate me to do my strengthening.  

If I don't do another workout, I try to take this time to write a blogpost. I have enough time before dinner to work on a post, and either watch TV or catch with my mom in the process. 

My family has always had dinner together as long as I can remember. During our "stay at home" order in Wisconsin, my parents have loosened this meal, because both my sister and I are in college so being home all the time isn't the easiest. It is always an option, so I take advantage of eating with others because at school I often eat dinner alone while doing homework. It is just one part of this time in life, that I have made sure to appreciate it. 

This dinner was asian meatballs with mushrooms and snap peas on top of cauliflower rice.

After dinner is where my days tend to vary. If I have finished all of the work I need to do, I will either read a book or watch TV. Recently I just finished reading This Is How It Always Is. Because I have a lot of exams coming, I have been spending the time making flashcards. Out of all my homework, making flashcards is my favorite because I can still listen to some music. 

I try to go to bed around 10 or earlier every night. I know that keeping a steady sleep schedule will help make life seem more normal. I also just like to get up early, so going to bed early is key. 

What does a day typically look like for you?
Until next time, 

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