
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tuesday's Eats: A Low Fiber Diet

This was a standard week except for one thing.. I couldn't eat anything (not even two grapes) without bloating a lot. This has been happening for two weeks, except that I decided last weekend to try to do something about it. I did some research and found a low fiber diet might give my digestive system a chance to rest which would cause the bloating to go down. I am only going to eat like this for a maximum of 5 days because you don't get a lot of the nutrients you' get from eating fruits and veggies. So far, I have seen little to no change but I am still willing to give it a shot for a couple more days in the hopes of feeling normal again. Here is what a low fiber day looks like for me. 

Breakfast: Berry Juice + Peeled Apricot +  Greek Yogurt w/ Peach Jam, Rice Chex and Cinnamon

I thought breakfast would be the hardest meal to figure out but it hasn't been that bad. I had the juice to make sure to got my vitamins in that I would normally get from my typical pile of fruit. The mock parfait turned out alright, even though rice Chex is not exactly my preferred topping of choice. Of course my favorite part of the breakfast was the peeled apricot. I love love love all stone fruit, so I was really happy to see I could still eat one a day if I peeled it. 

Snack: Tuna Salad w/ Peeled Cucumbers and Pretzels 

I knew I would need a snack before working because I wasn't sure that there would be anything I could eat there. Tuna salad was a great, quick way to fill up and get me through the rest of the morning. I made mine with mustard, greek yogurt, cucumber and random spices I found in the cupboard. It was't the greatest but it got the job done. 

Lunch: Banana + Primal Kitchen Protein Bar + Roast Pork (unpictured) 

This was not so much of a meal as just grazing throughout the day. I had the banana and bar earlier, and the pork later on. I chose this bar because it was one of the only ones at the store that had one gram of fiber while still being more that a glorified cookie. The bar was a big disappointment. It was really hard to eat and it did not taste that great. I won't be purchasing it again. 

Dinner: Hamburger + Peeled Cucumber + Baked Potato w/ Pasta Sauce

This dinner looks quite different than my other normal pictures of plates full of veggies. I am already missing my veggies so much even though it has only been a couple days. That being said, this still turned out to be a yummy dinner. I have always loved my mom's hamburgers so any night we have those is a good night. 

Dessert: Coffee Ice Cream 

Depending on how my stomach has been feeling, I like to have a small dessert to finish out the night. Last night I chose coffee ice cream which is my favorite flavor. Recently I have been feeling the worst right after dinner so I haven't been having as much dessert, but I really want to get everything figured out before fruit season is in full swing. Nothing makes me happier than ending my day with a fruit dessert.

Until Friday!

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