
Friday, March 29, 2019

5 Easy Healthy Packed Lunches

When packing a lunch, I always make sure to focus on two things: fruits/veggies and protein. Adding produce is great because it helps you meet your 5 a day, and it also helps bulk up your meal to keep you feeling fuller longer. For me, any meal that doesn't have any protein won't keep me full for long. I try to aim for at least 10 grams in my lunch, which isn't typically that hard to accomplish. These are really the only "rules" I have for making my lunch, other than that I like to get creative with all of the leftover floating around the house. Here are some of my favorites that I have made this semester. 

Lunch 1: Tasty Bites Channa Masala + Steamed Broccoli + Orange

This has to be one of my favorite lunches I have packed all semester. It was so easy to prep, all I had to do was put broccoli in a container. Once it was lunch time, I just warmed up the broccoli and microwaved the Channa Masala according to the package directions. The whole package of the Channa Masala should be used in order to provide enough calories and protein to keep you full and happy until your next meal. 

Lunch 2: Salad w/ Chicken + Apple + Orange

This is probably the most basic lunch but I remember it being one of those days where I knew I was going to eat dinner early and there was nothing in the house, so it was either a salad or buying food. I just added a lot of chicken to the top for my protein source, and then we did happen to have some good fruit around, so that become my side. It would have been ideal to add some grains or even something like pretzels to balance out the meal a little more, but if nothing else, I was able to fill myself up for the time needed. 

Lunch 3: Tuna Creations Pouch + Quac Packet + Tomato + Broccoli + Cauliflower + Sourkraut 

I absolutely love making lunches out of a bunch of random things and having taste amazing. Somehow all of these ingredients came together perfectly. I found a microwave on campus to warm up the broccoli and cauliflower, and just added the rest on top. This meal did involve bringing a couple different containers to campus, but it was really only two, just keeping what needed to be warmed up separated from what didn't along with the tuna pouch and quac packet. 

Lunch 4: Mason Jar Grain Bowl (Minute Rice/Quinoa + Cucumber + Brussels + Chicken + Tomato + Dressing) 

Mason jar salads are an easy way to pack a lunch, especially since it can fit in your water bottle pocket on a backpack. I just threw a bunch of things that were in the leftover fridge into my jar and called it a day. I really love when I can make a salad with a mix of roasted (the brussel sprouts) and fresh veggies because it creates a nice texture variation. Between the quinoa and chicken, this salad kept me full and focused throughout the school day. 

Lunch 5: Fish People Soup Pouch + Apple + Quac Packet w/ Cucumbers 

Microwave meal pouches are such a great invention, and these Fish People Soup pouches have to be some of my favorites. These pouches make for an easy meal to throw together, along with any sides of your choice. I knew the soup would give me my protein and fats that help keep me full, so I added the apple and cucumber to help me get my fruits and veggies in for the day. 

What kinds of lunches do you pack?

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