
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday Three

This past week was crazy busy. I am starting to get ready to leave for school so I have been starting to  pack for school, see everyone I want to before I go to school and figure out what else I need to buy. My to-do lists have been really long where it feels like everyday I am barely getting everything done. Here is what I did do this week: 

I found my new favorite combination of yogurt and granola for parfaits. I got really sick this weekend when trying oatmeal (non-gluten free) so I new I needed to find a new, gluten free granola for my parfaits. I tried Purely Elizabeth and love it. I also recently started to eat Icelandic Provisions instead of Siggi's. It is so creamy and much more flavorful than Siggi's.

I voted for the first time this week. Wisconsin had primary elections and since I had finally registered to vote, I made sure to participate. Even though voting isn't an exciting activity, I still think it is really important and I am glad that I finally was able to take part in the process.

It was so nice to go out for coffee with my mom on Wednesday. I have been so busy this summer that we have't been able to go out for afternoon coffee for one reason or another. We went to a cute little coffee shop we don't normally frequent since it is a little farther away, but we made sure to plan out this trip so we could have enough time. It's the little days like this that make me realize how much I'll miss my family. 

How was your week?

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