
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5 Easy Ways to Save Money in College

Most college students seem to be constantly complaining about not having a lot of money. It's understandable as it is hard to have a job, and still balance a sleep schedule, social life and keep up your grades. For me, I work only in the summer and save everything to spend during the school year. This has worked out for me with some of these easy tricks to minimize the amount of money spent so that you still have enough to go out with friends and have a good time.

| Pack Snacks to Go |
I'd be lying if I said I didn't get hungry at the most random times. An easy way to fix this is to set aside some snacks in your backpack or purse so that you don't have to stop and buy extra food. This way you are using up what you have already purchased and using it before it goes bad. Anything you buy that is prepackaged will be more expensive than when you buy it in bulk and pack it yourself.

| Make a Budget |
An easy way to save money and not spend too much is know how much money you have. I like to make a monthly budget while keeping in mind any income and mandatory expenses. This way you know any discretionary spending allowed and be able to not spend too much. I keep my budget in my agenda and it is a life saver. 

| Drink Water Out to Eat |
Is is so easy to order a soda or fancy drink when out to dinner, but that is an easy way to bring your bill up. Water is free, and you can have as much as you want without paying more. Water is also an easy way to make the meal a little healthier while you are at it. Save some calories, some money and feel better coming out of dinner. 

| Use Public Transportation |
Uber isn't cheap, so save yourself some money and walk or take the bus. Not all situations are perfect for walking or taking the bus, such as at night. That being said, a little planning ahead can make a big difference. Figuring out when a bus comes means that you can time when to go home. Also, you can figure out a plan to Uber back with someone else and then split the bill.

| Don't Go Grocery Shopping Hungry |
We all know that when you go grocery shopping hungry, it is so much harder to stick to getting only what you need. Suddenly everything in the store looks so yummy when you're hungry. It never seems to be the healthy, less expensive foods that catch the eye. Make sure to go the store after meals, and then you will save yourself a bunch of money by not buying extra snacks or treats.

With these simple tips, along with some common sense, you can mange your money a little better. Saving money in some little ways means that you will have enough that you can still go out with friends and not have to worry. Your social life shouldn't have to suffer due to unnecessary spending as long as you spend wisely. 

What do you do to save money?

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