
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday Three

This week was pretty dull, but it has made me appreciate some of my favorite parts of my week. Most of this was spent doing homework so I won't have any this weekend. It is my sororities dad's weekend so I want to be able to spend the whole time with my dad. I am so excited for it! Here is what happened this week.... other than homework. 

I have been loving the farmer's market, even to the point that I woke up at 6:20 to get there before the badger game. Let's just say it is always worth it. This week I tried a cinnamon raisin roll, and to be honest, it wasn't amazing. In order to make up for sad things like not amazing rolls, I had a really good apple cider doughnut so don't worry, I lived. 

I had my first tailgate this weekend! It was so much fun, and what was nice was that it was for a 11am game so it didn't use up all of my day. I wasn't able to get tickets for the football games this year, so I am always looking for things to do if I can't buy a ticket. I have decided that I like tailgates more than games, mainly because it doesn't involve spending. my money. (college ya know?)

I really hate dining hall food so I avoid it as much as possible. One of my favorite things I made was a simple peanut butter and banana toast with flax seeds. It is always a treat to have toast, especially with a good bread. I picked up the bread at the farmer's market and let's just say it was gone in a couple days. After this month, I swear I will never take making breakfast for granted!

How was your week?

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