
Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to have a Spa Day

There are always days where you just want to relax and take the day for yourself. Many times my biggest problem is that I can't think of what to do. I don't really like to spend the money that is involved in actually getting my nails done or going to an actual spa, so I have come up with some ways to make a spa day at home.
| Light a Candle |
The first thing I would do is light a candle. I love it when a nice smell surrounds everything you're doing. I love vanilla candles, and I also really like ones based off of nature. 

| Find the right Music |
The music might be one of the more important parts. Personally, I would pick a calm but upbeat music such as Ben Rector. Having the music just floating around you as the days go on will make it great background noise. 

| Take a Bath |
So this is a pretty obvious one for a list like this, but I think having a bath is what really makes this a spa/relaxing day. I throw in some bubble bath or a bath bomb to make the bath extra "fancy". While taking the bath, reading a book or listening to the music you picked out would be an ideal activity. 

|  Exfoliate |
I love how my skin feels after I use any type of scrub exfoliate. What is great about using these, is that there isn't a need to spend a lot of money. There are so many diy versions on Pinterest that you can easily make it the day before. 

| Do Your Nails |
I love to do my nails, but I rarely take any nice to do more than just painting them. Take the time to soak your feet or fingers and really moisturize them. Then, of course, pick out your favorite fun nail polish and take the time to give yourself the perfect paint job. 

| Use a Face Mask |
Whether you buy a face mask from some company or you make one yourself, using a face mask makes the day feel luxurious. Once it is on, just close your eyes and plug in those earbuds to create the perfect environment.  

Is there anything else you do on a Spa Day?

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