
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday Three

This was quite the week. First of all we had the biggest football games of the year (we lost, but that was to be expected) but more importantly homecoming week started Monday. Normally, this week is a ton of fun, but this year had so much drama that I am already done with it. It is probably because I am partly in charge of part of homecoming week, but it gets so frustrating when all people do is complain about it. Even though that part wasn't great about this week, overall it was a good one. With that here is my week:


I finally ran my half marathon this last weekend!! I am so happy that twelve weeks of training finally paid off. I was worried that I wouldn't do well since I had been injured for a little bit, but that didn't stop me. I ran all 13.1 miles of it in 2 hours and 7 minutes. This had been something that I had be working for and it was just so great to have everything work out!

 Last Friday was the biggest football game of the year. This game had so much drama, but it was by far and way one of my all time favorite high school football games. It is always nice to hang out with friends and this was no exception. Everyone was cheering to the point that we all had sore throats and we all had a grand ole time. 

 This school year I have been making a point of being healthier in every way. The biggest challenge for the is eating. I love food if you haven't be able to tell. I don't want to limit what I eat, but just eat smarter. I have been trying a bunch of new lunch and breakfast ideas, such as overnight oatmeal and peanut butter banana toast. My biggest problem is that I eat breakfast foods for lunch and breakfast so I am starting to run out of healthy ideas.

Do you have any healthy lunch recommendations for me?

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