- Pumpkins (I chose a medium size)
- Glitter
- Spoon
- Spray adhesive or mod podge
- Small paintbrush (if using mod podge)
- Cardboard or newspaper
How to:
Get all of your supplies together so you don't forget anything.
Lay down the cardboard or newspaper so you don't make mess. I
used a broken down vineyard vines box for this. You also might want to think about making these outside because it does make a considerable amount of a mess.
Grab your pumpkin and tape. Tape the stem of the pumpkin up so you don't get any glitter on it. It doesn't really matter what type of tape you use, just make sure that you can easily take it off when you're done.

Take the spray adhesive just spray it on the pumpkin where you want the glitter. It doesn't dry right away so you can spray the whole top right away or just do it in little sections.

Use the spoon to help control the amount of glitter you put on the pumpkin at a time. I didn't do to good of a job at the control part, but it did help me keep the glitter confined to the area I wanted it.

As you can see, glitter is all over the place so just fold up the paper and put the glitter back into the container so it isn't all wasted. My glitter is going into an old medicine container because it's our "mixed glitter" container.
Now the pumpkin is almost done, all you have to do is take off the tape and it's done!
It took me about 20 minutes to do this whole thing and it is totally worth it! This is probably the best pumpkin that I have made in a long time!
Happy Halloween!
Totally going to do this next year!!